During the month of December, Melinda Bronkhorst's fourth grade class and Audrey Kloostra's third grade class at Bentheim Elementary held a "pull-up and pllow drive" for Love Inc. in Hamilton.
"We typically have a gift exchange for Christmas. This year I asked the students if they would like to do our typical gift exchange or if they would like to help someone in need," said Mrs. Bronkhorst, "We took a class vote and the majority of the class voted to forgo a gift to help others!"
That's when Bronkhorst reached out to Love Inc. and was informed of their needs in diaper and bedding ministry. The students raised over one hundred items in their classes for those in need in our community.
"I was overwhelmed with the generosity of our students and parents," Bronkhorst added. "We even had a group of boys who were given money to spend to help others. Those boys decided to use that money to buy more pillows and pull-ups! What a blessing! Our students were thrilled to help others! It was a great experience for them!"
Meanwhile, at Blue Star Elementary, the students and staff collected kids pajamas and collected 87 pairs! Love Inc. has already distributed many of them during their Christmas party early in December and says they're so grateful for the support of Bentheim and Blue Star.
"We're so thankful for these donations," said Love Inc. clearinghouse coordinator, Cindy Kuipers, "Both pillows and Pull-Ups are often requested by our families and typically low stock in the pantries. The kids in Mrs. Bronkhorst and Mrs. Kloostra's classes blew us away with their generosity. Thank you all for giving back to our community in this way for the holidays!"