Ainsley Sibble, a senior at Hamilton High School, has been making a significant impact in the Early Childhood Special Education class at Sandyview Learning Center. Working alongside head teacher Laura Modreske, Ainsley serves as a teaching assistant (TA), a role she took on with enthusiasm and purpose. Every afternoon during the school day, Ainsley drives to Sandyview to assist and learn in the ECSE classroom.

"I became a TA because it sounded like fun and something where I could impact the younger generation of Hamilton students to aspire to be better," Ainsley explained. Her decision to assist in this particular classroom has provided her with valuable lessons in working with children who have special needs. "It has been really great to learn how to help kids with special needs to learn better."

One of the most unique aspects of Ainsley’s journey is the connection to her own mother’s experience. "It’s actually ironic, because my mom was a TA when she was in high school, and she worked with Mrs. Modreske as well, so it’s kind of funny that we have both worked with her."

Ainsley’s efforts in the classroom have been met with enthusiasm from the students, as she highlights the joy of seeing their faces light up each day. "My biggest takeaway is the joy I see in the kids' faces every day when I walk into the playground. They all come and hug me, and that’s a big takeaway—that I am impacting these kids. I want to help them feel valued and enjoy coming to school."

Ainsley’s background in Spanish has proven to be an asset in the classroom. Having participated in a Spanish immersion program out of district when she was younger and continuing her Spanish education after moving to Hamilton High School, Ainsley now uses those skills to assist Spanish-speaking students. "When I got into high school, I took Spanish all until last year. I even went on the Spanish trip to Spain, and that has really helped me in this classroom because three of our kids speak fluent Spanish, so it’s easier for me to communicate with them."

Laura Modreske praised Ainsley's contributions, saying, "Ainsley has been a wonderful addition to our classroom. She speaks Spanish fluently, which has been a big help. She has fit right in with the classroom and has enjoyed working with the kids."