Despite things being quiet during the summer months in our district buildings, some students were still hard at work in June!
June 19-23 was a week of learning and problem solving for 27 rising 8th and 9th grade students as they participated in "Hamilton Summer Project Based Learning (PBL)". Students were placed onto teams which spent the week working at one of four local businesses (Fleetwood, Tennant Company, AAAC Credit Union, or West Michigan Regional Airport).
Businesses gave students driving questions/problems to investigate and dive into. By the end of the week, students pitched their solutions to the driving question to the business and received feedback from professionals. In addition to learning about the business and careers, students practiced collaboration, critical thinking, and communication.
Meanwhile, Hamilton High School teachers Dan Meiste and Madeline Gentile helped lead the FuturePREP'd programs over the summer.
"This summer I partnered with JR Automation," said Hamilton High School teacher, Dan Meiste. "The students and I had an amazing experience solving the driving question of How to implement sustainability throughout all JR locations. The leadership panel was amazed at the group's solution and has already begun to implement changes in multiple JR locations. What an awesome experience!"
"This summer I worked with West Michigan Regional Airport to solve their driving question of how can they create meaningful education experiences using aviation as a pathway," Gentile added. "The students came up with a short term, mid term, and long term plan that the airport plans to incorporate. West Michigan Regional Airport was so impressed that they had the students interview with State Representative Nacy DeBoer on the radio, and plan to have the students present the pitch to their board meeting in August. It was a great experience for the teachers, students, and airport community! I look forward to seeing how WMRA creates educational experiences using aviation as a pathway."
We are thankful for our business partners and proud of students working hard during the summer!